Panasonic Jungle 07 December 2010

I've been very careful not to title this one Welcome To The Jungle. I wouldn't do that. Panasonic, occasional dabbler's in the videogame hardware market, have released further details of their Jungle handheld project.
Complete with keyboard and touchpad, and looking to all intents like it was designed in a single American afternoon, the Jungle sets itself out as an online, community-based, browser-based alternative to the NDS and PSP. Something like that.
With Nintendo's 3DS in the pipeline and the PSP established as firm favourite in Japan, Panasonic are probably more closely focused on crowbarring their way into the mobile device gaming market that the iPhone has so successfully forged as its own. I guess it's easy poke fun at this dodo in the making, but it's even more obvious to remember no hardware ever survived without quality (and/or appropriate) software to back it up. Just ask Nokia.