Here are the latest reviews and features from Fointy Pinger. If you have a feature or review or picture you would like to submit (videogame related, or anything else for that matter), email me.
Game: Ketsui: Death Label - By Tetsuo

"Emerging from an impossible situation feels pleasing, miraculous sometimes, and there's a tangible buzz when tackling a sequence of attacks in just the way your mind had planned. This is zonal gaming, one which rewards positioning and reflex and the thrill of destroying enemies against all odds."
Game: Tsuukin Hitofude - By Tetsuo

"Tsuukin Hitofude charms despite its simplicity, and successfully positions itself as one of the best amongst the many excellent puzzle games already offered on the GBA."
Game: Shunkan Puzz Loop - By Tetsuo

"Puzzloop's difficulty only serves to taunt and encourage perfection, especially when striving for those bronze, silver and gold awards in the Quest mode."
Game: Diddy Kong Racing DS - By Tetsuo

"It's not a fully convincing reinvention, and equally it's changed too much to feel like a reassuring old friend. Ironically, most of what the developers have tried to add to the game subtracts from the overall enjoyment."
Feature: N64 Anniversary - Nintendo 64 is 25 - By Tetsuo

Fointy Pinger investigates the Nintendo 64 from conception to release, and examines the launch titles Super Mario 64 and Pilotwings 64.
Game: My Japanese Coach - By Tetsuo

"Stroke order usually is penalised if wrong, and in this sense it does seem somewhat contradictory in handing out punishments. There are even some instances where stroke order is incorrectly demonstrated to begin with, in fact."
Game: Coloris - By Tetsuo

"You can jump in for two minutes and end up playing for twenty - hypnotised by the colours and sounds, gleefully captivated by the clearing of hundreds of these tiny luminous blocks."
Game: Calcio Bit - Soccer Team Building - By Tetsuo

"You can't help wishing it was possible to take part in the matches and it always feels like there should be a greater selection of tactics at your disposal."