Hello, is this thing on? 23 June 2014
I've fixed a load of bugs, created some new ones, re-freshed the design a bit and and refactored some of the code (byebye Mootools). I've still got a lot of things to tweak and change, but for now take a look around if you like.
There's a new review up of World Soccer Winning Eleven DS to coincide with the World Cup, a feature on region-exclusive N64 games, and I'm going to try and push a few more updates to the site over the coming weeks, so subscribe to keep up to date!
Posted in: Videogames | Comments
Sturmwind ready for Dreamcast takeoff 23 May 2012

Duranik's Sturmwind has been in development for a few years now, but is finally wrapped up. The German-produced Dreamcast shooter borrows mechanics from several well-established proponents of the genre such as Axelay, Twinbee and of course R-Type.
"Another Dreamcast shooter. So what?", you're thinking. Well, just wait until you see the thing move. It's somewhat tasty - stunning, even. There's 16 stages to battle through, and plenty of options have been thrown in for good measure such as VGA support and an internet hi-score system.
Along with Sine Mora, it's been a pretty good year for hori shooters so far this year, eh? So, head on over to redspotgames and pre-order your copy (or the limited edition version) before its summer release, and get your trusty Dreamcast back under that TV in preparation.
Posted in: Videogames | Comments
Sonic CD download this winter 04 September 2011

A port of probably the best ever Sonic The Hedghog game, 1993's Sonic CD for Mega CD, is heading to PlayStation Network, Xbox Live Arcade, PC, and iOS and other mobile devices before the end of the year. This was previously only available on PC and Sonic Gems Collection.
Apparently this was playable at the recent PAX Prime 2011 event. The port is being handled by an independent mobile developer but will feature tweaks and additional support for swipy fingers. By circumstance more than anything at this stage, it appears it will use the Japanese soundtrack and not the hideous US-remix that most people are familiar with.
The trailer probably isn't worth watching, but a note to publisher SEGA and "brand managers" on this matter: hey, stop trying to re-contextualise and appropriate a near 20 year-old Japanese-developed game in order to promote your decidedly tacky-looking new software. As much as you'd like to think you ain't, you are pointless.
Posted in: Retro | Comments