Download SoundPhantasy*.

How good are you at SoundPhantasy*? Struggling to get past layer three? Perhaps you've already reached the final layer and beat the game? Or maybe you want to practice and beat your high scores? Well, one of the best ways to get the most out of SoundPhantasy* is to download the full version for the Macromedia Flash Player. And the good news is, if you've already played the game here at, there is no need to spend a long time downloading the game again, as it will already be cached on your computer. I have created a few versions of SoundPhantasy* for the different internet connections and user requirements. Simply choose your required version, right-click the hyperlink and select "Save Target As.." and save the file to your computer. Once the download has finished, you are then free to play and practice SoundPhantasy* whenever you like!


If you cannot see the game loading screen on the PLAY page, then you do not have the Macromedia Flash Plugin. To play SoundPhantasy* you need this piece of software on your computer. Go to the Macromedia Flash Plugin webpage and you can download the latest version and begin playing SoundPhantasy* - and the best thing is it will only take a few minutes.

If you want to download the full versions located on this page, you also need the Macromedia Flash Player. This can be found on the Macromedia Flash Player webpage and the latest version will only take a few minutes to download. Follow the instructions on the webpage and once you have the Player installed on your computer, you can download the versions of SoundPhantasy* from this page.

Choose your download type.

Here are the download options for SoundPhantasy*. Choose the option most suited to your own internet connection. Simply choose your required version, right-click the hyperlink and select "Save Target As.." and save the file to your computer.


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» website design, code and flash content, including game content and scenario, copyright © lewis cave, 2006 «